Site 26 Battery Park
2.1 Million SF
Consulting Eng.: Cosentini
Sales Rep.: SRS Enterprises
Environmental Air Tower
Space Return Air is Mixed
in Air Stream in Mech Room
where ½ of the return air
stream is bypassed and
the other ½ is distributed
through the cooling coil
The Situation:
Tishman Speyer, the developer for this project, and the owner, a large financial institution, wanted a green building, but also one that was economical to build and operate. Cosentini Associates, the MEP consulting engineer on the project, was tasked with designing a cost effective Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) system that consumed low amounts of energy and reduced the per floor mechanical room footprint. The challenge: how could the mechanical shafts be downsized, the underfloor distribution be effective, the floor by floor AHUs have quiet performance, and plenum heat gain and underfloor ductwork be avoided?
Air Zone International was ready to embrace the challenge.
Our Solution:
Designing a building to better ASHRAE
90.1: 2004 Baseline Building Performance
by almost 30% is no easy task –especially
when that building is over 800 feet tall.
According to Tishman Speyer, the Air Zone
Environmental Air Tower design alone
contributed 25% towards the building’s
overall operating cost savings. Why are Air
Zone International’s products and under
floor system designs more energy efficient
than other solutions? Our Direct Drive
Plenum Fans with High Efficient Motors
use up to 6% less energy than “standard”
offerings and floor-by-floor environmental
air towers with Chilled Water (CW) coils
allow for a reduction in the primary outside
air shafts and eliminate the need for a large
air handling unit on each floor, resulting in
less overall horsepower and
equipment space.
Effective Air Side Distribution is probably
the most important factor to a successful
UFAD project, with quiet performance
and the control of undesirable air leakage
a close second and third. Constructing
a column unit with CW Coils to meet
rigorous NC 40 sound requirements in an
independent lab at the maximum CFM was
a challenge—but Air Zone was up to it.
Just one square foot of additional rentable
space can equal $600 – or more in prime
real estate locations- when the building
is sold. Due to the different floor sizes in
this project, our units ranged in capacity
from 7,500 CFM to 15,000 CFM. With our
patented feature rollout assembly and
compact footprint, valuable space
is preserved.
The Results:
Air Zone Column Units successfully
passed NC 40 sound levels when no other
manufacturer’s equipment could pass
the requirements.
Our Column Units are economical,
especially when compared to the costs
they avoid. Air Zone International
Environmental Air Units are typically
$2.00-$3.00 per/cfm depending on unit
size. This compares favorably to other
custom air unit manufacturers’ offerings
with far less project experience. But also,
look at the whole picture cost: by using
column units, one saves on real estate
and avoids under floor ductwork—an often
expensive and complicated proposition.
Air Zone International manufactures
custom air units to save space, save energy,
and save money. Call today to see what Air
Zone International can build for you.